Book Review: A Nice Little Place On The North Side

I’m not a fan of the Chicago Cubs. In fact, I have only met one fan of theirs in my entire life. It probably has to do with the fact that I am located between the Atlanta Braves and Baltimore Orioles with an occasional Pirates or Nationals fan that can be randomly found. That does not mean that I did not enjoy the book.

In fact, I read Men at Work while still in high school, so George Will’s writing is not unfamiliar to me. If you can get used to the fact that this book has no chapters and instead is simply divided into what could be a collection of articles, you will do fine. Instead of being worried about finishing a chapter before bed, it is easy to finish a couple of pages and come to a stopping point.

The way Will writes is one that is almost poetic. He has a gift for using adjectives to describe exactly what he wants to convey. Even if you are not a fan of the Chicago Cubs, the book is still a page turner. He takes you through the journey of what could be considered the most loyal fanbase in all of sports. Though the team has not won a championship in over a century, every Spring there are fans that believe it could be the turning of the reputation. Not many sports teams can claim to have such loyal fans, but for whatever reason the Cubs seem to have it. I don’t know if it is the fact that everyone likes to pull for the underdog or the constant hope to see history being made.

The Cubs have had an interesting journey throughout their existence and Will works his way through the beautiful history that they have had. If you consider yourself a baseball fan or have a baseball fan in your family, you need to purchase this book. The history of the Cubs is full of irony, disaster, hope, and shining moments. If nothing else you will just sit back and shake your head because you cannot believe some of the things that have happened in the Windy City.

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an unbiased review. The words are my own and have not been influenced by the publisher.