Give A Little Bit

It seems as if most people are more caring the months of November and December. After everyone has managed to come down off the sugar rush of Halloween, the holiday season truly begins. While there are a lot of things to celebrate and even more things to do and/or share, there are those in our community that are not as fortunate.

I pass our local Salvation Army office every morning that I drive to my employer. Since I do not make it there until after 8:00, there is not a morning that goes by that there is not a line waiting for the assistance of the Salvation Army. For a small city and region, this would be hard for many to recognize. Some simply turn their heads and wonder how homelessness and hunger can manage to be in our area. It is there though, if people only look for it. Too often we choose to ignore it.

Speaking of the Salvation Army, they are one of the many charities that I like to support during this Christmas season. They are one of the most well-known and one that is doing a lot of good in our area. I thoroughly believe that lives are being impacted by the work that they are doing. I highly encourage each and every person that reads this post to support them. You can support them directly online by clicking here.

In the spirit of this season and a new movie, I am getting into the giving mood by giving away some things in my stash of goodies. The new movie The Man Who Invented Christmas is coming to theaters on November 22. Make sure to go watch it and let’s give a little. The rest of this post details more about The Man Who Invented Christmas.


Film Synopsis:

The Man Who Invented Christmas tells the magical journey that led to the creation of Ebenezer Scrooge (Christopher Plummer), Tiny Tim and other classic characters from A Christmas Carol. Directed by Bharat Nalluri (Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day), the film shows how Charles Dickens (Dan Stevens) mixed real life inspirations with his vivid imagination to conjure up unforgettable characters and a timeless tale, forever changing the holiday season into the celebration we know today.


It’s Never Too Early

While most folks are breaking out the scarves and pumpkins, I am getting ready for Christmas. It is never too early to start thinking about it. Every year brings about new traditions and new memories. This year brings about a new movie.

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I cannot wait to go see The Man Who Invented Christmas. This film looks like it is going to be an enjoyable film. Check out the trailer at the bottom of the post and be on the lookout for more information coming your way and even some giveaways from me as we get closer to the film hitting theaters.


The Man Who Invented Christmas tells of the magical journey that led to the creation of Ebenezer Scrooge (Christopher Plummer), Tiny Tim and other classic characters from A Christmas Carol. Directed by Bharat Nalluri (MISS PETTIGREW LIVES FOR A DAY), the film shows how Charles Dickens (Dan Stevens) mixed real life inspirations with his vivid imagination to conjure up unforgettable characters and a timeless tale, forever changing the holiday season into the celebration we know today.

Christmas Eve 2013

Never let the consumerism, traditions, and our own doubt hinder the miracle of Christmas. It is easy to accept the miracle of the birth of Christ, but it is just as easy to reject it. May we find ourselves in the company of the former rather than the latter.