New Things Coming?

A good friend mentioned to me that he intends to start with more routine writing beginning tomorrow (October 1st). I may just take that as a challenge and begin again. After all, it is not like it would hurt anything, right? If anything it may help me.

Anyone Left Here?

Hi all!

I’ve been away (sadly) for some time. Are blogs still a thing? Do people still publish their thoughts out in a longer format or are we content to give short blurbs to match social media?

I have a full weekend of things I want to do and things I do not want to do. The things I want to do include eating a nice meal at a banquet for an organization I am involved with and shopping for shoes with my daughter. I know that last one seems lame, but I like to see her enjoyment. The main things I do not want to do are purchase groceries and mow the lawn.

Have you ever noticed how the things that we do not want to do are often blessings in themselves? I have both the access and the means to purchase food. That places me much better off than a lot of people. I have a lawn to mow and a riding mower so I do not have to push a mower up and down my steep, inclined yard. Those are both things to be thankful for in this life.

Anyway, I wanted to pop on here simply to see if anyone still reads these things, but also to make a note to myself that I still have in me the ability to form long sentences instead of simply reacting to a post. I do have a larger vocabulary than simply “Ok” “Yes” and “Maybe”.

I need to do this more often.